
Domum Novum

by Our Wanderer

I used to call these demos.

They were recorded on an iPad, with no proper mic, in my bedroom, in a house full of kids. I always intended to do them 'properly' someday.

But as a result, they are full of happy accidents, impossible to recreate.

Some of the sounds are of my children shouting noisily from the bath, picked up somehow by the iPad's built-in mic & distended and transformed by the heavy reverb and delay. This makes it, to me, every bit as important to the song as any of the instrumentation.

Because of the way I play (and how my mind works), I can no longer remember how to play any of that instrumentation. So I'll never be able to recreate them anyway.

So they exist as they are. Full of mistakes, over-long, imperfect. But they are as honest about the thoughts that inspired them as it's possible to be.

I find some of it embarrassing, some of it better than I thought I was capable of. I was always nervous about sharing them (being a perfectionist) and so hid behind the moniker 'Our Wanderer' & rarely shared the links. But as the years have gone by I've shaken that off & learned to be happy that they exist at all.

I think they're worth sharing, for the good bits at least...

PS. they are all also part of my story-telling project The Endling Saga. Kind of a prologue...